My Students will Discover, Connect, Develop, Identify, and Explore...
By creating a safe environment, my students can discover the benefits of a co-learning process. By developing not only their course-specific knowledge but their professional skills, I help students in their long-term career. Professional skills are expected and developed further through active-learning and group work. I care about my students and their future, and I am focused on offering an evidence-based learning experience that fosters their educational needs and future potential.
Courses and Consultation
I've taught several courses at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels:
Consumer Experience (CX) Design
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Marketing Concepts
Marketing Research
I am passionate about developing collegiate instructors:
Workshops on integrating novel technology in the classroom (TLTCon, SMA)
Instructional Development Consultant (Graduate, Fall 2020-Spring 2021)
Related to my research, I guide others in their pursuit for Digital & Social Media Wellness. Interested to learn more? Let's connect.

“She is one of the best professors ever. She doesn't just teach marketing, she is a great example of it. She knows how to target her audience just right with all the right tools, she knows how to keep her students engaged, and she knows how to make a successful course.” Adv. Social Media Marketing Spring 2023 end-of-term evaluation
“With every single class it became more and more clear to me that Dr. Anderson has a genuine passion for developing CofC students into strong professionals that are prepared for the obstacles and pathways we'll have to encounter post–graduation. She genuinely wants her students to succeed and it is apparent in the way she conducts her classes.” Advertising Spring 2023 end-of-term evaluation
"Professor Anderson was by far one of the best marketing professors I've ever had. The way that she taught was different and very effective, and I retained information way more than other marketing classes I've taken. I truly feel that she cares about her students and wants the best for us. If she was teaching another marketing course next semester, I would definitely take it!" IMC Fall 2019 end-of-term evaluation
“While observing Kelley, I was immediately captivated by her calm, yet authoritative presence in the classroom. Despite that she delivered her lecture with a casual and conversational tone, Kelley had a unique ability to simultaneously command respect from her students while remaining interactive, enthusiastic, and engaging...” IMC Fall 2019 peer observation review
Training and Honors
Jerry S. Rawls Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, TTU (2021)
Helen DeVitt Jones Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, TTU (2020)
TEACH Fellow, TTU (2019-2020)
Groundwork Program, TTU (Summer 2019)
Practicum in Higher Education for Business, TTU (2018)
“I have taken several great courses with tenured faculty members in the Rawls college and I just wanted to let you know your course was by far the most innovative and had the best and most relevant ties back to the industry. Your previous professional experience and insights really gave a clear picture of how these concepts are applied in the business environment today.” IMC Fall 2019 student email
To see or discuss more, let's connect >>