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Emerging technology dynamically changes the way we consume and build markets.

As such, my research focuses on the impact of diverse digital and social media as it is developed and adopted. Leveraging theories from sociology and philosophy, my research offers insights into technology's role in value creation, identity development, and market system dynamics. Using multiple methods, I investigate phenomena that are timely, theoretically-important, and industry-relevant. I am fortunate that my work has been honored with academic awards and covered industry media coverage.

Research Areas

Digital social media
Digital & Social Media Wellness
Digital technology has significantly impacted modern marketing and consumer experiences. Much of my ongoing research researches how consumers and market actors are remolding the marketplace through the voluntary rejection of digital technology in pursuit of well-being. Implications of this consumer movement are vast, impacting consumers, firms, policy makers, and educators.

Media Highlights:

Stukent Digital Summit 2022 

Anderson, K. C., Zmich, L. J., Mertz, B. A., & Hass, A. (2024). Are Your Students Aware of Social Media Wellness? A Necessary Macromarketing Curriculum Extension. Journal of Macromarketing, 44(1), 224-238. 

Mertz, B., Hass, A., Anderson, K.C., Kaskela, T., & Zmich, L. (2023) “#SocialMediaWellness: Exploring a Research Agenda and Conceptualization for Healthy Social Media Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour

Winner of Best Paper Marketing for Higher Ed SIG Future Trends in Consumer Behavior at AMA (2022)

Bradley, T., Anderson, K.C., Hass, A. (2023), “The Virtuous Cycle: Social Media Influencers’ Potential for Kindness Contagion,” Journal of Macromarketing, 43(2), 110-118. 
Novel Market Systems
Market systems, foundational in marketing scholarship, a way to understand how multiple actors interact and evolve to mold, shape, and create norms and behavior. I research multiple contexts, including technology such as VR and AI in addition to music festivals and women's healthcare.  

Publications & Conferences:
Anderson, K. C., Hansen, H., & Laverie, D. (2024). Technology has Agency too! Disentangling Technology’s Causal and Structural Agency in a Service System. Journal of Macromarketing.
Winner of Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper (2019)

Thyroff, A. and Anderson, K.C. (2022) Courting Disaster: Managing Chaos in Experience Markets. Presented at the 2022 Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Conference in Corvallis, OR.
Winner of the Jim McAlexander Award (2022)

Digital Consumer Behavior
In addition to researching how technology modifies marketplaces as a whole, I also leverage mixed-methods to investigate consumer behavior in digital and social media environments. 

Anderson, K. C., Albinsson, P. A., & Ducarroz, C. (2023). Peer‐to‐peer community on social media: An exploratory cross‐cultural study. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Anderson, K. C., & Laverie, D. A. (2022). In the consumers’ eye: A mixed-method approach to understanding how VR-Content influences unbranded product quality perceptions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
, 67, 102977.

Anderson K.C., Freybote, J., & Manis, K. T. (2022), The Impact of Virtual Marketing Strategies on the Price-TOM RelationThe Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Winner of Jane K. Fenyo Best Student Paper Award at AMS (2020)

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