Select Research/Scholarship Awards
Consumer Behavior Track Best Paper (SMA, 2023)
Jim McAlexander Award (CCT, 2022)
Future Trends in Consumer Behavior track Best Paper (AMA-Winter, 2022)
Jane K. Fenyo Best Student Paper Award (AMS, 2020)
Sharon Beatty Best Paper in Services Marketing (SMA, 2020)
AMA DocSIG Spotlight (2020)
Rawls COB Marketing Doctoral Student Excellence in Research Award (2020)
AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow (2020)
American Marketing Society Consortium Fellow (2020)
Society of Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow (2019)
Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper Award (2019)
Select Teaching Awards
Jerry S. Rawls Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (TTU, 2021)
Helen DeVitt Jones Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award (TTU, 2021)
Texas Tech TEACH Fellow (2019-2020)
Grants, Fellowships, and Scholarships
Matterport, Inc. Research Grant
Consumer Decision-Making in Healthcare-Women & Children's Health Services Research Grant (Co-Principal Investigator, with Dr. Kelli Frias and Dr. Deidre Popovich)
Rawls COB Ph.D. Student Research Grant Award (2018, 2019)
Texas Tech University CH Foundation Fellowship
Texas Tech University Jerry S. Rawls Scholarship

Photo: Accepting the Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper Award (2019)